Yumna Hussen is a student, elected as the Deputy Member of Youth Parliament for Birmingham and Social Media Officer for Birmingham Aspiring Youth Council. In this capacity, Yumna regularly consults different organisations to ensure young people’s views are embedded directly within policymaking. Also appointed by Bite Back 2030 (an organisation that seeks to disrupt the food system), she is currently running a national campaign to get the government to implement a long-term solution to the lack of free school meals by the end of this year. With an interest in global health, health equity and racial justice, she has co-facilitated numerous workshops and sessions alongside healthcare professionals at Birmingham Women's and Children's NHS Foundation Trust. Through this, she has spoken at conferences like the Royal College of Paediatrics and Children’s Health about youth engagement in healthcare and nominated for the NHS Rising Star Award 2020. Co-authored Struggles of War, available at Amazon, in Year 8, exploring the war in Palestine through a child’s lens, she is now in Year 11, writing articles on Medium and a freelance creative!
Follow her: @Yumna_Hussen on Twitter; Medium: @YumnaHussen; Youth Council: @Bham_Youth and Youth Led Food Charity: @BiteBack2030